Monday 2 June 2014

Challenge Nearly finished

Sooooo the 30 days is up and so far I am happy with the results :) Considering..... I had to have 4 days off (ickle bit poorly) so I plan on continuing for the next 4 days before I weigh my self and take my after pictures. In that 4 days I was a rather naughty girl... birthday cake, pizza, chips. You name it I had it!! Oppsies. Everything in moderation though.
Besides me being naughty I can definitely see a difference. The flabby belly is getting a lot more toned!!!
I have always been my biggest critic so for me to notice and feel the difference is always a plus.

The 30 days challenge consisted of clean eating, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Body weight circuits.
I  included crunches and squats on a daily basis, obviously your body needs breaks so I would do 3 days on then a day off. Each day I would up the amount  I would do.

Getting a nice peachy ass seems to be a lot harder than I ever anticipated, then again i thought this could all happen over night. I will not give up!!! I soon will have a killer bum and maybe some nice Abs to go with it ;)

I have 4 weeks until my holiday and 4 weeks until I get myself into a bikini. This month I am setting my self the task of a 30 day bikini diet. I will be letting you know how I get on.

If you would like to give the challenge a go please go to, then go to challenges.

Nats xx

Friday 2 May 2014

30 day Make Fat Cry Challenge.... Lets do this :)

Giving myself a little bit of a boost this month and starting the 30 day make fat cry challenge. Its all about clean eating and HIIT ekkkkkk.
Today is my 1st day and its only 10am so no complaints yet.

Last night i took some before pictures so i can get a better look at the results (there will be results hahaaa i m positive about this)

With only 9 weeks until my holiday and 9 weeks until i MUST reach my goal. I have always wanted to wear a bikini on the beach and feel comfortable so i am doing everything possible to make this happen.
Its also 12 weeks until my 10k race for life so training has also began. My aim is to complete the 10k in 45 mins.... maybe pushing myself a little bit too hard but nothing is impossible. Last year i completed this in 1hr 10 and was around 2 and a half stone heavier.... being lighter must help lol.

to see my updated progress through this challenge follow me on on Instagram: natsladex

Nats xxx

Friday 11 April 2014

My first little blog

So this is my first little blog hmmmm....
With only 11lbs to go before I reach my target I am starting to get a bit impatient, yes I know it's not going to happen over night!! (wish it did - this process would've been a lot easier) But I have to say just starting a diet is probably the easiest part, but only when you have your dedication hat on. A lot of people ask me how on earth I've lost 7 stone as they've struggled just to get past the 1st month. My advice is.... DEDICATION! You can't do this half-heartedly, don't get me wrong I haven't been strict 24/7 and yes I often cheated myself especially with those little, yummy wine gums that would accidently fall into my mouth... Oops! But the key is one naughty thing isn't the end of your diet, you control what you put in your mouth. It's about choice! So if you cheat don't worry, but just remember you have that hat on and forget what you've just eaten and carry on eating healthy for the rest of that day.

I am currently in the gym training 6-7 times a week. This is a mix of weight training and cardio until i have lost the excess weight then i will go 5-6 times and just weight train to tone up those unwanted wobbley bits.... which i might add are as stubborn as anything. I think i am like most women who want a flat stomach, toned armed and to get rid of those fat bits at the top of your legs!! I mean what is that horrible bit, its like two chunks of chub on the tops of your legs???
My mission is to get rid of those horrible parts and to be happy with my body.

I will keep you posted as to how this goes mean while check out my Instagram natsladex 

Natalie xxx