Monday 2 June 2014

Challenge Nearly finished

Sooooo the 30 days is up and so far I am happy with the results :) Considering..... I had to have 4 days off (ickle bit poorly) so I plan on continuing for the next 4 days before I weigh my self and take my after pictures. In that 4 days I was a rather naughty girl... birthday cake, pizza, chips. You name it I had it!! Oppsies. Everything in moderation though.
Besides me being naughty I can definitely see a difference. The flabby belly is getting a lot more toned!!!
I have always been my biggest critic so for me to notice and feel the difference is always a plus.

The 30 days challenge consisted of clean eating, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Body weight circuits.
I  included crunches and squats on a daily basis, obviously your body needs breaks so I would do 3 days on then a day off. Each day I would up the amount  I would do.

Getting a nice peachy ass seems to be a lot harder than I ever anticipated, then again i thought this could all happen over night. I will not give up!!! I soon will have a killer bum and maybe some nice Abs to go with it ;)

I have 4 weeks until my holiday and 4 weeks until I get myself into a bikini. This month I am setting my self the task of a 30 day bikini diet. I will be letting you know how I get on.

If you would like to give the challenge a go please go to, then go to challenges.

Nats xx