Friday 10 March 2017

Happy Nat :)

I feel GREAT!!

Beginning of Feb, I had well untruly had enough. Six weeks later, I feel like I am getting back to myself. I am motivated, happy and on a bloody roll.

I stripped back basics and started my journey all over again. I have lost 8lbs – some might think ‘That’s not much’ but I am over the moon.

I cook, I plan and I enjoy it.

Recipe of the month:
Joe Wicks Chicken Pie. OHHHH my – absolutely delish!
Tip of the month:
Have someone to do it with. Work out with friends, cook nice meals together and share tips! 

 Diet of the month:

I am sure we can all relate to the words ‘I am going on a diet’

We try the most ridiculous things, because Sally’s aunties, best friend’s sister lost 2 stone sucking 2 bloody lemons a day.

We think being on a diet should be punishing and unhappy. IT’S NOT TRUE.

 Give yourself a break!

Set a goal – a realistic goal, and work one step at a time.

Stop thinking it’s a diet and make it a lifestyle change - still allow yourself some of the foods you like, but have them in moderation.

If you want a choccie bar, then you have one. Just keep it at one! Don’t completely deny yourself. Restricting yourself will not help you in the long run. You will only find yourself down aisle 23 in Tesco, loading that basket up with all the £1 sharing bags ready to start your binging mission!!!

Over the last six weeks, I have got myself back in a good mindset. I can now see what I had been doing wrong over the last two years.

-    -  Going on ‘Diets’

-     - Not eating enough! I would think the less I ate, the more weight I would lose.

-      -Skipping meals. Not eating lunch and dinner does not make up for the day before of eating McDonalds and cake.

-     - Spending most the weekend eating sh*t. Just because it’s the weekend. Then I would feel guilty…. This led into a vicious cycle of munching. You end up sabotaging it, bingeing and ultimately giving up. Then waiting for Monday to start ready for your new diet.

-     - Not planning my meals – Now, the evening before, I plan breakfast, lunch & dinner. I even plan what snacks to pack in my handbag.

-      - Exercising my ass off. Yes exercise is important, but so is eating healthy. I just didn’t have the right balance.

You live and learn though ey.

Here’s to another shifting another 8lbs J J

To see my progress through piccies, check out my instagram

Nats xx