Wednesday 1 February 2017

The battle of the chub

The saga continues!
'I'm on a diet' Story of my bloody life! Usually said after demolishing a pack of biccies the night before.
My problem is i am addicted to sugar and i binge eat,

If you know me, or have read my previous blogs, you will know i lost 7 and a half stone. Well I've now put on 18.5lbs of that back on, and to be honest i'm not keen on it sticking around.
'I cant notice it' the response i get from my mum. Well mum... my clothes don't quite agree with you there. THEY DON'T FIT!!!!! Lol.

3 weeks ago i went to put my trusty black dress on, and to my absolute horror it did not zip up and even if it did, i looked like a sack of potatoes from the front.
Sooooo The Little Black Dress Mission begins to get my custard cream ass, back in that dress..

Febs plan -
Keep a food diary.
Reduce sugar intake
Prepare my meals. Lunch in particular - grabbing a meal deal at lunch is my big downfall.

Last but not least BINGE EATING. I am terrible for this! A lot of people took part in Dry Jan, so i am making up my own and doing Binge Free Feb. Feel free to join. #Bingefreefeb
28 days of no blowouts (I didn't choose the shortest month on purpose - haha 😉)

I am all set to go. I have my trusty app Sweat with Kayla Itsines - Highly recommend if you're like me and actually enjoy a good workout/challenge - along with a healthy eating plan with Slimming World.

To see my progress one picture at a time, check out my instagram

Nats xx